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With the TBS UNIFY PRO32 Nano we have boosted the output power, improved the robustness, decreased the power consumption, added capability for insane features and perfected the way it is installed in your multirotor. In a nutshell, it’s the most comprehensive, future proof, highest quality and overall best nano VTx ever made.

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The SOURCE ONE project is a first of its kind collaborative FPV frame project initiated by Team BlackSheep. The frame is donated to the community to empower creators and makers, and integrate best practices and current trends faster into a continuously manufactured product.

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The SOURCE ONE V5 7inch is a deadcat (DC) configuration frame, popular for long-range freestyle flying. It is built to withstand harsh crashes and abuse. It fits and protects all the classic FPV components and is optimized for light weight. The SOURCE ONE is a perfect everyday workhorse for casual long range FPV flying and cruising.